About Wish Hub

Hello! My name is Oleg. I am the founder of Wish Hub. This web-application is created just for you.

Wish Hub is a unique platform that helps you learn about the wishes of your friends and loved ones. Our service makes gift selection easy and enjoyable by providing the ability to create wish lists, view them, and reserve items to avoid duplicate gifts.

Our mission is to build a community where people can share their dreams and receive exactly what they wish for.


Do you have desires? I'm sure you do. Are all your desires fulfilled? Probably not. How can we increase the likelihood of fulfilling our desires? Do other people's desires always come true? And how exactly do they come to fruition?

It's likely that in wealthier individuals, desires are fulfilled more frequently than in those with fewer financial resources. Do you believe this is directly linked to having money? Well, of course! If you have plenty of funds and you desire, let's say, a car, you can simply go to the dealership and make the purchase. It's straightforward. However, for those financially disadvantaged, acquiring such luxuries is out of the question. The economically challenged face a different reality and set of priorities. They must decide between buying necessities like groceries or saving for the future.

What about non-material desires? They can't be bought with money. For instance, longing for genuine love or robust health. Or perhaps you aspire to attain a fit, athletic physique. You might argue that even these desires can be fulfilled with financial means. While this is technically true, paid love will never be as fulfilling as genuine affection, and medical facilities motivated primarily by profit may not prioritize your well-being. Maintaining good health and achieving personal fitness goals requires dedication and effort, where money plays a supporting role at best.

It appears to me that in wealthy individuals, desires are fulfilled more frequently not solely due to their financial status. Rather, their wealth often stems from the consistent fulfillment of their desires.

It's probably not a secret to anyone that the primary driving force behind desire fulfillment is our thoughts. The notion that "thoughts materialize" is not a new one.

What other factors influence the realization of our desires?

Today, we're bombarded with messages urging us to discover our path, our purpose, our unique journey. These hints are everywhere, hard to overlook or brush aside. Yet, finding one's way in life is far from simple. Many embark on this quest for years on end, and from personal experience, I can attest: it's a journey worth undertaking.

But what about our desires? They come in two forms: those that arise from within, and those imposed upon us from external sources. Consider statements like, "I hate driving, but I need a car to commute to work. I dislike my job, but I have to pay off the car loan." Personal desires manifest effortlessly, like a natural extension of ourselves. Conversely, imposed desires exert a draining energy, constantly pulling us down with their enticing facades.

Yet, there's a profound truth here: our wishes carry an energetic weight, and within us lies the power of thought to lift this burden. It's a somewhat abstract concept, but one that resonates deeply with me.

Let's delve deeper into this notion. Our personal desires are straightforward—they materialize because our thoughts give them life. Our innermost desires align seamlessly with our capabilities, requiring no external intervention. But what about desires that aren't ours? They persist, sometimes with an intensity that borders on unbearable. This is where things get complex. If our present circumstances starkly contrast our aspirations, it's a lamentable situation. Picture a homeless person yearning for a castle—a chasm separates desire from reality. It's easier to relinquish desire altogether than to cling to futile dreams. Yet, what if our wish is within reach, albeit financially out of grasp? When desire burns fiercely, but resources fall short, it becomes evident: we need assistance, an infusion of additional energy. Brute force won't suffice; we require a subtler, more nuanced approach. Assistance may come, albeit with consequences. The question remains: where do we find this energy?

There are so many things in this world that carry energy... Actually, scratch that. Absolutely everything in the material world possesses energy. Each item has its own unique energy. Let's take your device, the one you're using to read this text. Just imagine how many companies contributed to creating this technological wonder. And within each company, there were hundreds of employees involved. So, your computer, laptop, or smartphone has absorbed the energy of all those people who contributed to its creation. Add to that the energy of the programmers who dedicated their efforts to ensure this machine works smoothly. And that's not even considering the material components of your gadget. Even the apple you bought from the farmer's market carries its own energy. Think about the energy the farmer expended to pick it, bring it to market, and sell it to you. Let's not even mention the apples from the supermarket. And then, there's another element in this world that holds a calculated energy: money.

Yes, money is the most energetically charged material thing, and today, it's even electronic. It's easy to prove. Close your eyes. Now, vividly imagine your boss giving you a 20% raise. How does that feel? Now, imagine finding a winning lottery ticket and pocketing $100,000. Feel the difference? This illustrates, firstly, that money indeed carries energy, and secondly, that the amount directly correlates with the energy it holds. In the grand scheme of things, practically all your desires touch upon financial matters in one way or another. A loving spouse will love you regardless of financial circumstances, but the experience in a lavish mansion will undoubtedly be different from that in a one-bedroom apartment. While you can't buy health with money, even basic medical procedures come with a price tag. And getting in shape at a top-tier gym with a qualified trainer is far more enjoyable than doing calisthenics in the backyard. Thus, while money may not be the ultimate goal, it certainly makes life more enjoyable and manageable.

And finally, the most crucial aspect. How do we connect money and desires when we lack the energy? When someone gives you something for free, what emotions do you experience? Deep gratitude, right? You immediately feel the urge to reciprocate in some way. You start wishing them all the best in your thoughts. Well, guess what? Other people experience the same feelings in similar situations. And these impulses are even stronger if the gift is unexpected and, most importantly, valuable. The corresponding wishes can be quite diverse. Typically, it's what we value most for ourselves. And if the person who's giving us the gift is saving up for a house, and we're aware of it, our first instinct is to wish them to buy that house as soon as possible. 'I wish you finally get the house of your dreams! Just the way you want it!' Does this situation sound familiar to you?

After all, you know, wealthy individuals consistently allocate a portion of their fortunes to charitable causes. Consider how this unfolds. It's likely that a wealthy individual would want their donation to, say, an orphanage, to be widely recognized. What do you think people's reactions would be upon learning about such a generous contribution? How might the staff at the orphanage respond? And what about the children who are old enough to grasp the situation? Naturally, they would feel immensely grateful! "May your business thrive and flourish! May success be a constant companion! And may everything unfold as smoothly as possible!"

This web application is designed to help your wishes become a reality. Here, each wish has its own "energetic" monetary equivalent — a sum defined by the person who dreams it. If you want to help someone else, the best thing you can do is make their dream come true by choosing a suitable gift, provided your capabilities allow it. And when it comes to your own wishes, their realization becomes more likely when you write them down and share them with others. Collective energy of support and positive thoughts greatly increases the chances of any dream coming true. Leave your wishes here, and let the energy of kindness and mutual help work toward their fulfillment!