The Role of Wishes and the Possibilities of Fulfilling Them
Do you have wishes? I’m sure you do. Do all of your wishes come true? Probably not. How can you increase the frequency of your wishes coming true? Do all people’s wishes come true? And how do they come true at all?
Probably, wealthy people’s wishes come true more often than those of the poor. Do you think it directly depends on money? Well, of course! If you have a lot of money and want a car, for example, you can just go to a showroom and buy one. That’s clear. But if you’re financially limited, a car is out of the question. A poor person has a different world and values. They have to choose between buying some sausage or buying instant noodles to save money.

Material and Non-material Wishes
What about non-material wishes? You can’t buy them with money. For example, you may want love. Or to be healthy. Or perhaps you’d like a fit, toned body. You might argue that even this can be bought with money. That’s true to an extent. But bought love is never genuine. Paid clinics aren’t particularly interested in your health. And working on your body requires effort, where money plays far from the main role.
The Influence of Thoughts on Wish Fulfillment
It seems to me that wealthy people’s wishes come true more often not because they have money, but rather they have money because their wishes come true more frequently.
It's probably no secret that the main driving force behind fulfilling wishes is our thoughts. The saying "thoughts are material" isn’t new.
And what other factors influence the fulfillment of our wishes?

Finding Your Path and Your Wishes
These days, there’s a strong emphasis on finding your path, your purpose, your journey. This message is everywhere and hard to ignore. Finding your way in life isn’t always easy; many spend years searching. From my own experience, I can say it’s worth it.
And what about wishes? Wishes can be our own, or they can be imposed from outside. "I hate driving, but I need a car to get to work. I hate my job, but I need to pay off my car loan." Your own wishes come true easily and effortlessly. Imposed ones will drain your energy, luring you with a beautiful wrapper and constantly wearing you down. But your own wishes fill you with energy. Whether it’s your true wish or someone else’s — that’s likely the second most important factor in manifesting thoughts, but no less crucial.

The Energetic Weight of Desires and the Power of Thoughts
So, what does this mean? Desires have an energetic weight. And you have energetic power in the form of thoughts to lift this weight. This is a very abstract concept, but in my opinion, it makes sense.
Let’s dig deeper and figure this out in more detail. With your own desires, it’s simple. They always come true because the power of these desires matches the strength of your thoughts. In other words, your desires align with your abilities. No external help is needed here.
But what about desires that aren’t really yours? They don’t stop being appealing. Sometimes you want them so much it almost itches. This is where things get much more complicated. If your current situation is vastly different from your desires, then I truly feel for you. Imagine a homeless person near a dumpster who wants to live in a castle. It’s much easier to stop wanting than to dream and hope in vain. It’s the least energy-consuming option. And if your desire is somewhat closer to reality but still out of reach? And you really want it. Then, obviously, you need help in the form of additional energy. Sheer force won’t help here. Well, it will, if you’re not afraid of the consequences)) But where to get this energy?

Sources of Energy in the Surrounding World
Many things in this world possess energy... Actually, every single thing in the material world has energy. Each item has its own unique energy. Take your device from which you’re reading this text, for instance. Just imagine how many companies contributed to creating this marvel of technology. And each company employs hundreds of people. So, your computer, laptop, or smartphone carries the energy of everyone involved in its creation. Add to this the energy of programmers who dedicated their efforts to make this machine work. And this is even without considering the physical components of your gadget. Even an apple bought from an elderly vendor carries her energy, which she invested in picking it, bringing it to the market, and selling it to you. Not to mention apples from supermarkets. And there is one more thing in this world that has a measurable energy: money.

The Energy of Money and the Fulfillment of Wishes
Yes. This is the most energy-laden material, and nowadays, electronic thing. It’s easy to prove. Close your eyes. Imagine now that your boss raised your salary by 20%. How does it feel? Now imagine you found a lottery ticket and won 100,000 dollars. Feel the difference? This proves, firstly, that money has energy, and secondly, that its amount is directly proportional to the energy contained within. Almost all of your desires will, in one way or another, touch upon financial matters. A loving wife, of course, will love you both in poverty and in wealth, but the feelings in a luxurious home will be brighter than in a small apartment with old wallpaper. You can't buy health with money, but even basic fractures aren’t treated for free. And it's much more pleasant to get in shape in a good gym with a qualified trainer than on the pull-up bars in the yard. So, it turns out that while money isn’t the most important thing, life is much easier and more enjoyable with it.

The Power of Gratitude and the Energy of Gifts
And finally, the most important thing. How can we connect money and desires for which we lack the energy? When someone gives you something for free, what feelings arise in you? Deep gratitude. And you’d like to somehow repay this person. In your mind, you start wishing them all the best. Right? Well, other people feel the exact same way in similar situations. And these impulses are much stronger if the gift is unexpected and, most importantly, valuable. The reciprocated wishes can be very diverse. Most often, it’s what we ourselves value the most. And if the person giving us a gift is saving for a house, and we know about it, our first instinct is to wish they get that house soon. "I wish you finally buy the home of your dreams!!! Just the way you want it!!!" Sound familiar?
You know that wealthy people often donate part of their wealth to charity. Think about how this works. I believe a wealthy person would want as many people as possible to know about their donation, for instance, to an orphanage. What thoughts will the people who know about the donation have? What thoughts will the staff at that orphanage have? And the children who are old enough to understand? Naturally, the kindest thoughts! "May your business grow and prosper!!! May success always follow you!!! And may everything go as well as possible!!!"

Wish Hub: A Platform for Fulfilling Wishes
Wish Hub is a web application designed to make your wishes come true. Here, every wish has its own "energetic" monetary equivalent — the amount set by the dreamer. If you want to help another person, the best thing you can do is make their dream come true by choosing a suitable gift, provided it’s within your means. And when it comes to your own wishes, they become more likely to come true if you write them down and share them with others. After all, collective energy, support, and positive thoughts greatly increase the chances of any dream coming true. Leave your wishes here, and let the energy of kindness and mutual support work toward making them a reality!